Williams AV Digi-Wave Tour Guide System

The Williams AV Digi-Wave system allows two-way communication between tour guides and tour participants. Up to four tour guides can combine their skills (and reduce fatigue) by speaking simultaneously within the group together. Digi-Wave also enables your guests to fully participate during the tour whilst ensuring everybody can hear.

The lightweight transceivers are simple to use and set-up even though they use the latest digital technology. Encrypted transmission offers high levels of security and patented frequency-hopping technology minimises the risk of RF interference from other devices. As the system operates in the 2.4 GHz band it can be used licence-free in most countries, making it ideal for guides who offer international tours.

WilliamsAV Digiwave helps you communicate with your visitors

Before the event, each participant is issued with a transceiver and headset comprising of a microphone and headphone. This enables each person to speak to the group by simply pressing a button. Their message is then heard by the group via the headphones. The Digi-Wave system is completely configurable ensuring the main guides have priority to interrupt at any time to control the proceedings. If two-way communication is not required for that particular tour, then the transceivers can be set to receive only. Each unit can also be locked to prevent users from making unauthorised changes to the Digi-Wave system set-up.

The DLT 400 Transceiver

Williams Sound Digi-Wave DLT 400 transceiver

The DLT 400 Transceiver transmits and receives the audio. It is slim, lightweight, and simple to set-up and use. One or two-way operation offers flexibility in an array of applications. With the push of a button, users can access two-way simultaneous communication for immediate interaction or question and answer sessions. Enhanced security features include a four-digit PIN code, entered into each group member’s DLT 400, that prevents unauthorised individuals from eavesdropping on the group.


WilliamsAV Digi-Wave DLR 400 RCH ReceiverThe DLR 400 RCH Receiver is for listen-only applications. It is very simple to set-up and use. Features include automatic mode selection and shut-off. The OLED displays channel, volume, battery level and RF signal strength. The DLR 400 RCH can receive up to six presenters simultaneously and can be used with earphones, headphones or neck loop (to assist a hearing aid wearer). You can use any quantity of receivers for larger groups.

Williams Sound Digi-Wave two-way tour guide system in use

For large systems, multiple two-way tours can operate within the same environment completely wireless and portable (no base station is required). Systems can be charged/transported in briefcases and can be set-up within minutes of arriving at a venue.

A wide range of accessories are available to suit any tour whether it be two-way communication needed on a noisy plant-tour, or a one-way (listen only) tour around a museum.

Williams Sound Digiwave two-way tour guide system

To see the equipment in more detail please click here.

For more information on the Digi-Wave two-way tour guide system from Williams AV please contact us.


Digi-Wave equipment used for staff meetings on the factory floor

Digi-Wave tour guide system user

Williams Sound Digi-Wave system usersWilliams Sound Digi-Wave communication system with DLT 400